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How Kids can Express Themselves through Designing their Own Bedroom

When designing Kids rooms, promoting self-expression, empowerment, and creativity is key. A child's bedroom is more than a space for them to rest their head — it's their very own space to celebrate their unique personality and interests. Their rooms let their imagination run wild, dream, and express themselves.

At CGK Linens, we are dedicated to helping parents choose creative bedroom sheets for kids to grow in. By empowering kids' creativity and celebrating their individuality our Kids Sheet Set stimulates self-expression.

That's why we're big fans of finding ways to incorporate things kids love into their rooms, whether it's a favorite color, theme, or hobby. Read on for our tips on designing a bedroom that is yet stylish and fun.

Flow and Self-Expression

One of the basic principles of interior design is the flow from one room to another, creating a sense of continuity between spaces. Children’s rooms are the exception. They’re not just another room; they’re another world.

Kids at a young age are curious and love to play. The world around them is completely new and full of unexplored possibilities. Kids can express themselves through designing their own bedroom and providing them with the opportunity for creative expression.

An important decision factor when designing Kids rooms is if they will stand the test of time. Let the child have a say in the design of their rooms, even if it means making a few compromises. It's also important to listen to their dreams.

Open Canvas

Dana Kallo, Creative Director for Black Fox Interiors says that “the best way to start is by transforming the room in a neutral canvas. Choosing the important pieces of furniture like bed, wardrobe and desk in white, gray, black or natural wood finish is a good way of future-proofing the room.”

Having an open canvas as a base for room design will allow for layers of decorations and accessories that are more colorful and bold, themed or hobby-inspired. As children grow up and move onto the next favorite cartoon, game, movie, or interests these elements are what we expect to change.

Mix & Match: Creativity

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles and colors to create a unique and personal space for your child. These could include using their favorite colors, shapes, lights, and bedding.

Children’s sleep needs change as they grow older, therefore winding down for bedtime becomes a challenge. Helping children sleep often starts with creating a bedroom environment that is peaceful, quiet, and comfortable.

Finding the best bed sheets for your Kids can make it easier for children of any age to get consistent sleep. Kids love bright colors and fun patterns, there are endless options available from classic stripes, polka dots and more unique patterns such as dinosaurs, bears, rainbows, and princess themes.

Positive and Supportive Environment

Giving them the opportunity to decide will help them feel more ownership over it and make it more likely that they will feel comfortable and will spend time in using their rooms. A positive and supportive environment together will create a safe space for confidence, self-assurance as an individual, and motivation to explore.

The more they explore, the more the children learn about their environment and its possibilities. The more they are encouraged and feel supported in trying new things. The right room can give a child a head start by helping them cultivate their unique talents and interests. All you need to do is set the proper stage for exploration and growth to develop into the unique individual that they are meant to be.