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Posts tagged: how-to

Night Sweats: What Causes Them and How to Stop?

Night sweats are a common problem that can disrupt sleep and make it difficult to get a good night's rest. There are a number of factors that can contribute to night sweats, including hot weather, menopause, and certain medications. The type of bed you sleep on can also influence the likelihood of experiencing night sweats. This may be a good chance to change your sleep environment.

Choose Breathable Fabrics

The fabric of your bed sheets and pillowcases can play a role in how likely you are to experience night sweats. Choose breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen, that will help to wick away moisture and keep you cool. Avoid synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, which can trap heat and make you sweat more.

Keep your Bedroom Cool

While a warmer bedroom may not be the cause of night sweats, it can trigger them. Research shows that the ideal temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a fan or air conditioner to keep your bedroom cool. You can also open a window to let in fresh air.

Replace Your Mattress

Depending on the mattress you have, it may retain heat unlike other materials, especially if they block airflow. If replacing your mattress is not an option, you can use a mattress topper. This can help improve the comfort of your bed and make it easier to sleep cool. Look for a mattress topper made with cooling materials, such as gel or memory foam.

Invest in New Bedding

Besides evaluating your mattress, consider changing your entire bedding. Maybe it's been on your list to give your bedroom a makeover or it's time for a replacement. New sheets are often made with breathable materials that allow air to circulate, which helps to keep you cool and are often less likely to trap heat. 

A new set of sheets can make your bed look more inviting while adding a touch of color and style to your bedroom, and it can also make it easier to relax and fall asleep. If you are struggling to sleep in hot weather, consider our selection of different colors, sets, pillowcases, and more!

Changes to Your Lifestyle

Eating a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help to regulate your body temperature and reduce inflammation, both of which can contribute to night sweats.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine before Bed Alcohol and caffeine can both interfere with sleep and make you more likely to experience night sweats. Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Get Regular Exercise. Regular exercise can help to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of night sweats. However, avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as this can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Big or small, these practical tips can help to reduce the risk of night sweats and improve your sleep quality. Changing your routine so that you are getting restful sleep and waking up ready to conquer the day often starts with changing the environment around you.


Night Sweats: What Causes Them and How to Stop?

Night sweats are a common problem that can disrupt sleep and make it difficult to get a good night's rest. There are a number of factors that can contribute to night sweats, including hot weather, menopause, and certain medications. The type of bed you sleep on can also influence the...


How To Cool Bed Sheets During the Summer

Have there been nights where you’ve tried to endure the discomfort of trying to sleep from an excessively hot or humid environment? During the summer or if you live where high temperatures are the norm can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. One of the most important...


How to Keep Bed Sheets from Bunching Up

Bed sheets are an essential part of our sleep routine, but they can be an inconvenience when they bunch up. This can make it difficult to get comfortable and can even lead to those sleep disruptions. Who wants to get up in the middle of a good night’s rest just...


How Kids can Express Themselves through Designing their Own Bedroom

When designing Kids rooms, promoting self-expression, empowerment, and creativity is key. A child's bedroom is more than a space for them to rest their head — it's their very own space to celebrate their unique personality and interests. Their rooms let their imagination run wild, dream, and express themselves.At CGK Linens,...


Are Thread Counts Important in Deciding Bed Sheets?

If you’ve just moved out on your own or have decided to take on the role in finding high-quality bed sheets, you may have come across the word “thread count,” and perhaps are asking yourself, what are thread counts and what do they mean? Are thread counts important in deciding...


When Should Bed Pillows be Replaced?

These days, it's easy to get comfortable and oversee why a new pillow case or bedding may be necessary. How often you should change your pillow case may vary depending on a multiple of factors: including your skin type, hair type, and whether you're experiencing allergies. Experts at the Asthma & Allergy...


Bedding as a Means of Personal Style and Creativity

Have you felt that your bedding lately seems boring? Or that your entire bedroom doesn’t make you feel relaxed or inviting? As children, we often are curious of the world around us and everything from our interests, hobbies, passion, hair style, music, and clothing were reflections of our own stories....


Bedding Guide for Pet Owners

It's no surprise that pet owners often welcome their animals into spaces inside the home, including their bedroom. Nearly half of pet owners sleep with them according to a study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.While there have been debates advising against co-sleeping with pets, emerging research suggests...


Sustainable Bedding: What You Need to Know

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From Cozy to Cool: Finding the Right Bedding for Your Sleep Style

A good night's sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. The right bedding can make all the difference in getting a comfortable and restful sleep. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right bedding for your sleep style. In this blog, we'll focus on...


10 Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom for Spring

Spring is here, which means it's the perfect time to freshen up your bedroom and create a space that feels inviting and rejuvenating. Whether you're looking for small updates or a complete overhaul, we've compiled 10 easy ways to freshen up your bedroom for spring. Change Your Bedding One of...


10 Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom for Spring

Spring is here, which means it's the perfect time to freshen up your bedroom and create a space that feels inviting and rejuvenating. Whether you're looking for small updates or a complete overhaul, we've compiled 10 easy ways to freshen up your bedroom for spring. Change Your Bedding One of...


How to Care for Your Bed Sheets to Keep Them Fresh and Long-lasting

Your bed sheets play a significant role in ensuring you have a comfortable and restful sleep every night. However, to keep them feeling soft, looking great and lasting for as long as possible, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here's how to care for your bed sheets to keep them...


The Importance of Decontaminating Your Sheets Properly

The vital importance of keeping your home clean and germ-free cannot be overestimated in this uncertain time. As CoronaVirus in US has led many millions to self-isolate in their homes, keeping your living spaces germ-free is crucial. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise that frequently touched surfaces be cleaned and disinfected often as...